83 more days

So it won’t be the same time when I publish this as it was when I wrote it. I swear to God that I started writing it at 4:20. While we were watching the last episodes of Battlestar Galactica and eating pigs-in a-blanket (which were delicious), we burned up a few bowls. Life is good.

We’re up to that part of the season where the Galactica is dying, but she’s got one last good fight in her, and you can be assured that the Admiral has one last good fight planned for the old girl. So it’s come to that point where the Admiral and Starbuck lay down the red tape down the middle of the hangar deck. I’m looking forward to the speech. There’s something awesome about how they all have to report to the hangar deck to declare themselves either to be staying with the fleet or staying on the Battlestar to take the fight to the Cylons.

Let there be no illusions. This is likely to be a one way trip, so don’t make your choice out of emotion or sentiment.

Volunteers to the starboard. Everyone else to the port.

Make your choice.

It’s a very powerful scene. There is a sense of duty and honor, and even Gaius Baltar, wretched man that he is looking at his last chance for redemption. He knows that he must go, but wishes that there could be any other way. But there isn’t. He has led an awful and self serving life, but he understands what the right thing to do is, and he is willing to lay down his life for it. No matter what manner of a life a man has led, no matter how noble or honorable, cowardly or dishonorable, his willingness to lay it down for someone other than himself puts him on the level.

And now Gaius is contemplating and pondering just what he should do. If he goes, it runs completely against self preservation, which has been his defining characteristic. In that sense, his willingness to give his life is a redefining act.

This is going to be a gun battle. God save the Colonies.

That being said, holy stoned I’m shit.

The best line was: if we’re not there in 12 hours, we won’t be coming.

Damn I love this show. It has been a great way to bring us to having 83 days left until Amsterdam!

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